Decorative garden aggregates

Gne­iss is a uni­que gar­den sto­ne that repre­sents an ini­mi­ta­ble form of deco­ra­tion for gar­dens, public faci­li­ties, gre­en urban are­as, etc.

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Construction aggregates

Wide­ly used in road, rail­way and hydro­tech­ni­cal con­struc­tion and as aggre­ga­tes for concrete

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Company TESM

Towa­rzy­stwo Eks­plo­ata­cji Surow­ców Mine­ral­nych sp. z o. o. sp. k. has been invo­lved in gne­iss mining sin­ce 2007. Our “Dobo­szo­wi­ce 1” depo­sit is distin­gu­ished by the uni­que struc­tu­re of the extrac­ted aggre­ga­te. It is loca­ted in Lower Sile­sia, in the district of Ząb­ko­wi­ce. It is here that for hun­dreds of tho­usands of years, valu­able mate­rial — gne­iss — was for­med under the feet of the inha­bi­tants of today­’s Dobo­szo­wi­ce. The region loca­ted betwe­en the Bardz­kie, Sowie and Zło­te Moun­ta­ins has been fasci­na­ting rese­ar­chers for deca­des with its diver­si­ty of fau­na, flo­ra and, abo­ve all, the num­ber and varie­ty of mine­rals encountered.

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