
Poltegor — instytut

Pro­ject title: Tech­no­lo­gy of using mining waste with simul­ta­ne­ous reduc­tion of its gene­ra­tion at the sta­ge of explo­ita­tion of the gne­iss depo­sit Dobo­szo­wi­ce 1
Imple­men­ta­tion period: 2018 – 2020
Total pro­ject value: 6 108 529,05 zł
Pro­ject Manager: dr inż. Andrzej Pomorski

Kon­takt: nr tel. +48 71 34 88 164
e‑mail: andrzej.pomorski@igo.wroc.pldr inż. Adam Bajcar

Con­tact: nr tel. +48 71 34 88 208
Con­sor­tium: „Polte­gor-Insty­tut” Insty­tut Gór­nic­twa Odkryw­ko­we­go, Wrocław
TESM Sp. z o.o. Spół­ka Komandytowa
Pro­ject description:

The sub­ject mat­ter of the pro­ject is to ela­bo­ra­te a tech­no­lo­gy of obta­ining new pro­ducts from mining waste gene­ra­ted during explo­ita­tion of gne­iss depo­sits for aggregate.

It is a step towards waste-free tech­no­lo­gy of gne­iss depo­sit explo­ita­tion toge­ther with mana­ge­ment of hither­to accu­mu­la­ted mining waste of the mining plant Dobo­szo­wi­ce 1. The reali­za­tion con­si­sts in imple­men­ta­tion of both the tech­no­lo­gy of selec­ti­ve mining of the depo­sit in the pit and appli­ca­tion of mecha­ni­cal pro­ces­sing of mined gne­iss with the pro­cess of mutu­al disin­te­gra­tion of rock waste gra­ins, which are con­glo­me­ra­tes of fusions and adhe­sions of rock-for­ming mine­rals of lami­na­ted and mesh gneiss.

The tech­no­lo­gy con­cerns the ope­ra­tion of sepa­ra­ting feld­spar and quartz gra­ins from fema­les and sepa­ra­ting alu­mi­no­si­li­ca­tes. The first two con­sti­tu­te the raw mate­rial for feld­spar and femic mine­rals will be a com­po­nent in the pro­duc­tion of soil impro­ver. The fol­lo­wing acti­vi­ties will be car­ried out during the pro­ject including:

▪ acqu­isi­tion of new know­led­ge of the mineral,

▪ testing waste from the pro­duc­tion of grits and orna­men­tal sto­nes, deter­mi­ning its phy­si­cal and che­mi­cal properties,

▪ testing of waste sam­ples and deter­mi­na­tion of the­ir pro­ces­sing pro­per­ties, inc­lu­ding on indu­strial equipment,

▪ tech­no­lo­gi­cal tests of waste at the built node of grin­ding, deter­mi­ning the para­me­ters of the grin­ding pro­cess, which will cau­se the sepa­ra­tion of the gra­nu­la­ted mine­ral grains,

▪ tests on the pro­ces­sing of waste to deter­mi­ne the possi­bi­li­ty of pro­du­cing feld­spar pro­ducts and com­po­nents for soil improvers.

This know­led­ge will be used to veri­fy the suita­bi­li­ty of the feld­spar pro­ducts and in the design and con­struc­tion of a demon­stra­tion test line. The line will be inte­gra­ted into an exi­sting pro­ces­sing sys­tem pro­du­cing grits. The expan­sion of the sys­tem will ena­ble the manu­fac­tu­re of new pro­ducts with a higher com­mer­cial value and the mana­ge­ment of exi­sting waste. Poten­tial custo­mers for the new, inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts will be cera­mic and glass manu­fac­tu­rers and agriculture.

Project nr RPDS.01.05.01–02-0044/18