About Us

Towa­rzy­stwo Eks­plo­ata­cji Surow­ców Mine­ral­nych sp. z o. o. sp. k. has been invo­lved in gne­iss mining sin­ce 2007. Our “Dobo­szo­wi­ce 1” depo­sit is distin­gu­ished by the uni­que struc­tu­re of the extrac­ted aggre­ga­te. It is loca­ted in Lower Sile­sia, in the district of Ząb­ko­wi­ce. It is here that for hun­dreds of
tho­usands of years, valu­able mate­rial — gne­iss — was for­med under the feet of the inha­bi­tants of today­’s Dobo­szo­wi­ce. The region loca­ted betwe­en the Bardz­kie, Sowie and Zło­te Moun­ta­ins has been fasci­na­ting rese­ar­chers for deca­des with its diver­si­ty of fau­na, flo­ra and, abo­ve all, the num­ber and varie­ty of mine­rals encountered.

The mine pro­du­ces vario­us frac­tions of aggre­ga­tes for diver­se appli­ca­tions. With the use of modern tech­no­lo­gy and high-per­for­man­ce equ­ip­ment as well as the com­mit­ment of our employ­ees, we are able to distri­bu­te pro­ducts of the highest quali­ty, mat­ching the needs and trends of the Polish, Euro­pe­an and glo­bal mar­kets. In our offer you will find both gar­den and con­struc­tion mar­ket solu­tions. We offer aggre­ga­tes of deco­ra­ti­ve and func­tio­nal cha­rac­ter, such as gne­iss sto­ne bark, known all over Euro­pe, ele­va­tion sto­nes, gabion sto­nes, split tiles or vario­us boul­ders and gar­den mono­li­ths. In our cata­lo­gue you can also find con­struc­tion aggre­ga­tes. The rese­arch con­firms the dura­bi­li­ty and pro­per struc­tu­re of gne­iss extrac­ted from the depo­sit “Dobo­szo­wi­ce 1”, which makes this aggre­ga­te well suited for con­struc­tion of roads and rail­ways, as well as it finds appli­ca­tion in hydro­tech­ni­cal works, bitu­mi­no­us and con­cre­te solutions.

Due to its tech­ni­cal para­me­ters, frost resi­stan­ce, ori­gi­nal colo­ur and struc­tu­re, gne­iss is a buil­ding mate­rial that ful­fils glo­bal expec­ta­tions. In 2012, we saw the aesthe­tic poten­tial in our mate­rial, which led to the esta­bli­sh­ment of the Gnejsy.pl® brand dedi­ca­ted to the sale and pro­mo­tion of deco­ra­ti­ve gne­is­ses. Sin­ce then, many pro­ducts of deco­ra­ti­ve sto­nes for gar­dens have been cre­ated. The Gnejsy.pl brand also serves as a sour­ce of inspi­ra­tion: on our social media we show that gne­iss func­tions as an ele­ment of fen­ces, ponds, gar­den paths and alleys, ter­ra­ces, etc. We enco­ura­ge you to explo­re the deta­ils of our selec­tion of products!