Decorative Aggregates
A great advantage of our natural aggregates is their versatility, i.e., the freedom to choose different fractions and types of gneiss rock finish, which allows you to adjust the product to your own intentions and preferences. It is worth emphasising that our decorative aggregates do well in many styles of gardening; in our gallery you will find, examples of classic and modernist arrangements incorporating this phenomenal natural product. The most important thing that distinguishes us on the market is an extraordinary appearance created by a wide range of colours and random layers. Doboszowice gneiss is characterised by naturally formed stripes in shades of glossy grey, brown and white. It is worth mentioning that in our offer of decorative aggregates we also present products with a noble layer and grey-silver colouring.
Stone bark
Kora kamienna to autorski oraz innowacyjny produkt wykorzystywany w dekoracji rabat, ścieżek w ogrodzie. Ten wyjątkowy materiał zawdzięcza swoim właściwościom wiele zastosowań. Przede wszystkim stanowi substytut zwykłej kory drzewnej, którą trzeba regularnie wymieniać. Wytrzymały gnejs nie podlegający procesowi rozkładu będzie chronił ziemię przed utratą wilgoci i zapobiegnie rozwojowi chwastów na lata. Niestraszny jest gnejsowi siarczysty mróz ani upalne lato, potężna ulewa czy porywisty wiatr.
Gabion stone
dimension 60 — 250 mm
KO-63150-BB, KO-63250
Gabion stone is, as the name suggests, an ideal filling for gabions, however it can also be used as an alternative to stone bark for large areas and rockeries. The leading feature of gneiss gabion stone is the durability of these boulders, which can rest intact in gabions for years. Thanks to this strength and modernistic characteristics, gabion stones are used as stylish property fences. Moreover, gabions are used in garden architecture — they can be used as a small wall dividing the space, an impressive wall by the terrace or a comfortable and stable bench. Imagination knows no boundaries with gneiss — feel free to contact us, we are here to help you with any creative project!

Split tile
Foliated split tile
minimum dimension 300x300mm
A split laminated tile with extraordinary colours is ideal for stone walls, garden terraces and rustic rockeries. The charm of this tile lies in its rare colour of silver grey with a subtle shade of brown.

Grey split tile
minimum dimension 300x300mm
Grey split tile is perfect for garden paths, driveways and plenty of other stone arrangements.

Garden boulders
dimension above 500 mm
The boulders extracted during the mining process are one of a kind. The nobility of this product is given by its remarkable structure, which ensures that no previous boulder and no subsequent one will ever appear the same.

The vertical shape makes the product irreplaceable in oriental gardens.
The unparalleled form of the natural rock makes each monolith unique, which is a genuine work of nature and human craftsmanship.
To adapt to current trends, our team of skilled craftsmen produce monoliths with concrete and cut bases in a broad range of dimensions.
Gneiss pebbles
KO-OEX100200-BB, KO-OEX50100-BB, KO-OS50200-BB, KO-O2050-BB
Our most popular products appear in many different fractions and variants, so we present to you a completely new category — rounded gneiss. Amazing stone bark, grey gneiss or gabion stones still hold their original properties but their appearance is slightly altered. Careful selection of suitable rocks and professional processing shed new light on familiar and popular products. It is a natural decorative product of the finest quality. The rounded boulders are obtained through a specialised production process, which makes the stones round. As we achieve such soft edges, the material will perfectly fit into both gabion fencing and walls, including retaining walls, as well as various kinds of flower pots.