Decorative Aggregates

A gre­at advan­ta­ge of our natu­ral aggre­ga­tes is the­ir ver­sa­ti­li­ty, i.e., the fre­edom to cho­ose dif­fe­rent frac­tions and types of gne­iss rock finish, which allows you to adjust the pro­duct to your own inten­tions and pre­fe­ren­ces. It is worth empha­si­sing that our deco­ra­ti­ve aggre­ga­tes do well in many sty­les of gar­de­ning; in our gal­le­ry you will find, exam­ples of clas­sic and moder­nist arran­ge­ments incor­po­ra­ting this phe­no­me­nal natu­ral pro­duct. The most impor­tant thing that distin­gu­ishes us on the mar­ket is an extra­or­di­na­ry appe­aran­ce cre­ated by a wide ran­ge of colo­urs and ran­dom lay­ers. Dobo­szo­wi­ce gne­iss is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by natu­ral­ly for­med stri­pes in sha­des of glos­sy grey, brown and whi­te. It is worth men­tio­ning that in our offer of deco­ra­ti­ve aggre­ga­tes we also pre­sent pro­ducts with a noble lay­er and grey-silver colouring.

Contact us regarding decorative aggregates

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Stone bark

Kora kamien­na to autor­ski oraz inno­wa­cyj­ny pro­dukt wyko­rzy­sty­wa­ny w deko­ra­cji rabat, ście­żek w ogro­dzie. Ten wyjąt­ko­wy mate­riał zawdzię­cza swo­im wła­ści­wo­ściom wie­le zasto­so­wań. Przede wszyst­kim sta­no­wi sub­sty­tut zwy­kłej kory drzew­nej, któ­rą trze­ba regu­lar­nie wymie­niać. Wytrzy­ma­ły gnejs nie pod­le­ga­ją­cy pro­ce­so­wi roz­kła­du będzie chro­nił zie­mię przed utra­tą wil­go­ci i zapo­bie­gnie roz­wo­jo­wi chwa­stów na lata. Nie­strasz­ny jest gnej­so­wi siar­czy­sty mróz ani upal­ne lato, potęż­na ule­wa czy pory­wi­sty wiatr.

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Gabion stone

dimen­sion  60 — 250 mm
KO-63150-BB, KO-63250

Gabion sto­ne is, as the name sug­ge­sts, an ide­al fil­ling for gabions, howe­ver it can also be used as an alter­na­ti­ve to sto­ne bark for lar­ge are­as and roc­ke­ries. The leading featu­re of gne­iss gabion sto­ne is the dura­bi­li­ty of the­se boul­ders, which can rest intact in gabions for years. Thanks to this strength and moder­ni­stic cha­rac­te­ri­stics, gabion sto­nes are used as sty­lish pro­per­ty fen­ces. More­over, gabions are used in gar­den archi­tec­tu­re — they can be used as a small wall divi­ding the spa­ce, an impres­si­ve wall by the ter­ra­ce or a com­for­ta­ble and sta­ble bench. Ima­gi­na­tion knows no boun­da­ries with gne­iss — feel free to con­tact us, we are here to help you with any cre­ati­ve project!

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Foliated broken stone

KO-100500, KO-100500-BB

The per­fect sto­ne to uni­qu­ely deco­ra­te your garden.
It adds sophi­sti­ca­ted sty­le and moder­ni­ty to archi­tec­tu­ral solutions.

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Split tile

Foliated split tile

mini­mum dimen­sion 300x300mm

A split lami­na­ted tile with extra­or­di­na­ry colo­urs is ide­al for sto­ne walls, gar­den ter­ra­ces and rustic roc­ke­ries. The charm of this tile lies in its rare colo­ur of silver grey with a sub­tle sha­de of brown.

Grey split tile

mini­mum dimen­sion 300x300mm

Grey split tile is per­fect for gar­den paths, dri­ve­ways and plen­ty of other sto­ne arrangements.

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Garden boulders

dimen­sion abo­ve 500 mm

The boul­ders extrac­ted during the mining pro­cess are one of a kind. The nobi­li­ty of this pro­duct is given by its remar­ka­ble struc­tu­re, which ensu­res that no pre­vio­us boul­der and no sub­se­qu­ent one will ever appe­ar the same.

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The ver­ti­cal sha­pe makes the pro­duct irre­pla­ce­able in orien­tal gardens.

The unpa­ral­le­led form of the natu­ral rock makes each mono­lith uni­que, which is a genu­ine work of natu­re and human craftsmanship.

To adapt to cur­rent trends, our team of skil­led cra­ft­smen pro­du­ce mono­li­ths with con­cre­te and cut bases in a bro­ad ran­ge of dimensions.

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Gneiss pebbles

KO-OEX100200-BB, KO-OEX50100-BB, KO-OS50200-BB, KO-O2050-BB

Our most popu­lar pro­ducts appe­ar in many dif­fe­rent frac­tions and variants, so we pre­sent to you a com­ple­te­ly new cate­go­ry — roun­ded gne­iss. Ama­zing sto­ne bark, grey gne­iss or gabion sto­nes still hold the­ir ori­gi­nal pro­per­ties but the­ir appe­aran­ce is sli­gh­tly alte­red. Care­ful selec­tion of suita­ble rocks and pro­fes­sio­nal pro­ces­sing shed new light on fami­liar and popu­lar pro­ducts. It is a natu­ral deco­ra­ti­ve pro­duct of the finest quali­ty. The roun­ded boul­ders are obta­ined thro­ugh a spe­cia­li­sed pro­duc­tion pro­cess, which makes the sto­nes round. As we achie­ve such soft edges, the mate­rial will per­fec­tly fit into both gabion fen­cing and walls, inc­lu­ding reta­ining walls, as well as vario­us kinds of flo­wer pots.

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