Construction aggregates

Aggre­ga­tes pro­du­ced within the gne­iss depo­sit “Dobo­szo­wi­ce 1” are wide­ly used in road, rail­way, hydro­tech­ni­cal con­struc­tion and as aggre­ga­tes for con­cre­te. Gne­iss mixtu­res, cru­shed sto­ne and wedge are used, for instan­ce in the con­struc­tion of motor­ways, and in the lay­ers of basic and auxi­lia­ry sub­struc­tu­res of main com­mu­ni­ca­tion routes.

Contact us regarding construction aggregates

Sławomir Skrzeczek
Sła­wo­mir Skrze­czekSales Direc­tor

Roads and railways

Gne­iss from Dobo­szo­wi­ce is used in con­struc­tion of both road and rail­way routes. Dura­ble sto­ne is one of the most impor­tant and basic ele­ments in the con­struc­tion of new trans­port path­ways. Our aggre­ga­tes have been used in the con­struc­tion of such roads as the DK46 (ring road of Nysa), the A4
and the A1 motor­ways in the Sile­sian Voivo­de­ship. The mate­rials are pro­du­ced in com­plian­ce with the fol­lo­wing stan­dards: PN-EN 13043, PN-EN 13242, PN-EN 13450



Pro­du­ced in com­plian­ce with PN-EN 13383–1


Concrete aggregates

Pro­du­ced in com­plian­ce with PN-EN 12620


Aggregates for bituminous mixtures

Pro­du­ced in com­plian­ce with PN-EN 13383–1
